A Small town Guy with Big Dreams in a Big World

Author Archive

Nightmares After Christmas 2012

Hi Guys

Can anyone still hear me. sorry for missing out another month of posting ughhh i hate this i can’t find the time to write anymore between busy days in the morning and the intense nightmares at night i can’t seem to think of a great time to write things ughhhhh 😦 well since i was able to write something to day i’ll be posting some photos of my christmas2012 celebration i had with my family I cooked everything so it was a success <3. Thank you everyone for your continued support, I will Post more soon













Thank You

Aaron 🙂


Way Behind

Darn the past 2 months were Hectic… Way behind on my posts thinking of starting my posts again  from Events in September 2012 and coming back to some earlier events in my life 😀 eyeyeyeah well hope all of you look forward to it! Well MERRY CHRISTMAS and A Happy New Year Everyone!


Restaurant Week Cafe Boulud and Centro Vinoteca 2011

Restaurant Week: Cafe Boulud and Centro Vinoteca -2011-

First time enjoying Restaurant week with Cha cha and Karen even though it was still freezing outside braved through it to enjoy some good food at Cafe Boulud and Centro vinoteca

Ready to Brave the Freezing Weather!

Starved with all the Walking time for some Lunch!

20 E 76th St
(between 5th Ave & Madison Ave)
New York, NY 10021
Neighborhood: Upper East Side

for Starters

Baby Spinach with Poached Pears and Crispy Lardons

Freshly made Madeleines and Hot Coffee for Dessert

Me and Cha Cha

All full! Time for a Break to walk around to digest the food 😀

 walked around for a few hours to sight see and to find the next restaurant that we’ll be eating in Next!

74 7th Ave S
(between Commerce St & Bleecker St)
New York, NY 10014
Neighborhood: West Village

some Warm Baguette w/ Balsamic Vinegar and Olive Oil

for Starters

Parmesan Cheese Risotto Ball with Marinara Sauce Yummy

for the Salad

Dandelion Greens with Sliced Apples, Shaved Parmesan and Toasted Walnuts

Grilled Porkchop with Sauteed Spinach

Seared Sea Bass with Sauteed Greens and Puree of  Asparagus

and for Dessert:

Pistachio Gelato


Cannoli Siciliani with Toasted Pistachios

All right that’s all for Our Day of Food Extravaganza around New York’s Great restaurants. when staying in NY Restaurant Week is a Must do! Loved everything.Hope everyone Got some useful Information about these restaurants. 🙂 will try this again!

Thanks Guys

Thanksgiving 2011

Thanksgiving isn’t really a tradition that we usually celebrate in the philippines like in the U.S. , so I really don’t have a single idea about the traditions, what to do, where to go the only thing about it I really know is TURKEY I know its pathetic soooo I’m gonna tell you about my first time to ever celebrate Thanksgiving.

in my previous post:


I talked about the earlier events that happened during the day.

now I’m gonna tell you the later part. since our line of work isn’t in the office type they don’t usually take breaks even if its the holidays even more they are usually more busy during holidays.so you’ll imagine how it feels like, don’t get me wrong its not really that bad I somehow like it. but since its my first time celebrating Thanksgiving and I really wanted to experience the whole shindig, so you can say that I was pretty lucky that I landed a shift lining with the holiday. 😀 ❤

but some of my housemates weren’t so lucky but at least I had a great time with Leigh, Karen and Carlos attending the parade earlier in the day after the parade was finished we walked around for a bit and went straight home coz one of my housemate’s planned to celebrate thanksgiving dinner with her aunt and invited us to join in their house but unfortunately they weren’t able to pick us up.

but FORTUNATELY ate Chacha’s Aunt and Uncle decided to celebrate their T.G. Dinner at our House so everyone was excited. they spent the whole afternoon preparing the spread while we were waiting upstairs (completely USELESS) wish I could’ve helped more. since most of us were off work at night so there was a lot of us.

Even though I wasn’t able to Celebrate this with my family was a bit disappointing, but my friends being there by my side, with people that missed their families too we were in the same boat and eating together with them I can say that I wouldn’t celebrate it any other way.

look who’s eyeing the

Yummy Strawberry Cheesecake with White Chocolate Shavings

Roasted Potatoes and Grilled Veggiess

gotta have some Greens

Pumpkin Bread Pudding!

Instead of the Traditional Pumpkin Pie!

Some freshly Baked Cornbread Stuffing

 and Last but not the Least

TURKEYYYYY!!!!! straight from the Oven

Now that’s a SPREAD! Ready.. Get set…. EAT!

My Home away from Home. 🙂 ❤

Thank You Tito and Tita Doris – Chacha’s Family  for the Best thanksgiving!

.With all the Depressing things that Happened in N.J and NYC I really want to think of happy thoughts so.

I Recalled A Happy Memory While I Was There. to Give thanks for all the blessings that I received and to remind everyone to Always be thankful for everything that God gave us may it be big or small.

Thank you Everyone for reading My Post Hope you Liked it. 🙂

#thingsimthankfulforthisyear (2011)  I’m Thankful for My Family and Friends coz without them i won’t be Where I am now, all the Good and Bad stuff that happened to me coz without those I won’t be the kind of person I am today, for my Role models and Dreams for helping me stand up everyday and strive for More,I am thankful for all the people who were mean and those that looked down on me coz they taught me to be stronger coz the world is not fair and sometimes you have to fightback. and Thank You God for giving me a lot of things to be thankful for 🙂

All photos are taken by Me 🙂

More Updates Coming Soon.

Ozine Fest 2011

I’m an Anime and Cosplay fan, I Read manga and watch the series for hours with no end, till my siblings tell me to change the channel. what do they know they call them CARTOONS uh! Cartoons are Mickey Mouse and Bugs Bunny oh NO WAY!,  I don’t have anything against cartoons they’re a big part of my childhood too but Anime is a whole different world from Cartoons.

Anime: “Distinct facial expressions. Wide variation in physical characteristics.Physical features of characters are, on the whole, closer to reality than cartoons.Anime concentrates mostly on life issues or things tied closer to human emotion. while cartoons are more comical.”

aside from the Detail of each character and the depth of story, able to relate to most of the young adults that watch them. is a different other level from Bananas and Pajamas and Spongebob (well I have to admit spongebob is Very Funny).  I sound like a geek already Anyways lets get back to the topic.

I really admire those people who have such passion for anime to be able to make costumes for them to where and even though I’m a big fan I never had the courage to where costumes especially the big, detailed, heavy, over the top costumes, but I still have  a great time taking pictures of them. its like I’m in a whole new world where I can see the characters I love soo much in real life.

Well I atended an Anime fest last year and these are some of the photos I was able to get. Hope you Enjoy.

Love <

Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade 2011

We left the House a bit early, hoping to get a good spot for the parade, it was a bit of a hassle coz some of the roads were closed and  a lot of people were already roaming the streets. I can’t believe the number of people already this early. the Macy’s parade was really an anticipated event here.

I was lucky that we were able to attend the Macy’s Thanks Giving Parade last year it was really beautiful all the dancers, marching bands, mascots, Floats, and especially the Balloons all the colors and the sound of people cheering. it was Great. Hope you enjoy the pictures.

.These are some of the Balloons that I was able to get.

Sonic the Hedgehog



Watched the whole parade for almost 2 hrs my neck hurts because of all the people around and my feet hurt because coz of all the feet that stepped on it. hungry and a bit cranky. Time to EAt!

Chicken Parm over Creamy Carbonara Pasta and Garlic Bread

 Shrimp and Parmesan Sirloin with Steamed Vegetables and Roasted Potatoes

Enjoyed The whole Day 😀

Trick or Treat 2011


Even if there was a Snow storm 3 days ago, there was still Mounds of Snow all around, and to add to that the temperature was still dropping, and Kids at Heart didn’t let those things to stop them from the candy!. 🙂

Me as Me, Cha Cha as Sexy Lady Pirate and Ninay as Undead Teen

I know I’m bit old to do Trick or Treating with kids half my size. It Really wasn’t in my plan to roam around but decided to do it anyway. but with the shortage of materials and last minute decisions decided to do an Old School Blanket Ghost.

The night was a success even if I think we were starting to get Hypothermia.

Leigh as a Greek goddess and Karen as an Army Brat

Carlos as Gentleman meets Joker Rochelle as Zombie soccer/photographer person

Success all the loot. Yum Yum. will do this again someday.

10-28-2011 Snow Storm

Another hectic week come and gone its the last week of october, The temperature just dropped  just sitting in the house and watched some Movies and Read a book. perfect peaceful alone time. seriously not one of those NewYork Adventure friendly weather. so excited for Nov 1 thinking of trick or treating with my housemates I know we’re a bit too old for the Tradition but that’s not gonna stop us.

well the day was just starting but it was really dark I looked in the weather report checking if its going to rain. nope it only said cloudy then that’s when it happened, A tiny ball of white fluff came falling from the sky. SNOW! I was excited because it was my first time to actually see snow 😀 …. it stopped for a few minutes, disappointedly walked back to my room. good thing my bed was beside the window and it started to snow again but now the wind picked up stronger and stronger and the amount of white fluff falling down increased almost covering the whole window, SNOW STORM!. Scary 😐

I tried to open the window slowly, just a littlecrack dropped theroom’s temperature so fast. it was really cold couldn’t bare it so I slowly closed the window. we just stayed in the house for the whole day didn’t take the risk and turn into a popsicles  outside. the storm lasted till night and we slept .

 next morning it was considerably brighter than yesterday, the snow stopped and when I looked outside everything was white. sooo Beautiful O_O rushed outside with my housemates to play in the snow. weeee!!!!!

Jump Shot Opportunity

A Pure White Heart of Snow

Karen Now that’s a Smart thing to wear when its -4 outside

Never Ever let your Guard down when playing with snow

The Snow was really nice to play with it was like 3-4 inches of snow covered the lawn. sooooo Fun. making Snow Angels are harder than it looks and Tip for all of you never ever Try to taste snow or go out just wearing pajamas not a good idea. Later we found out that it was really rare to have snow storms on October.

New York Public Library and Farmer’s Green Market

Week one of work is Hell getting used to  a lot of people and how things work at least i’ve made some new friends. i think i didn’t give a great first impression but i’ll try my best to erase all those from their memory I’m gonna work really hard.

 After a week of getting used to things Decided to go to the city to get some rest before going back to work. 🙂

First thing is The New York Public Library. I might spend a lot of time playing with stuff but I’m a real bookworm and being surrounded by all these books is just Paradise The smell of wooden book shelves and tables the sounds of turning pages in books the bright but gentle lights that help you read and see through the massive structure.

Soo Much too read so Little time

it’s really nice to see a lot of people enjoying reading books most people now like to read with their Tables using E-books but for me the Adventure of having to look for the Book, Touching the covers, turning it page by page, and After finishing it keeping it with the others sort of a collection that you can always hand down to next generation.

In Books I’m more of a Fiction genre reader and I tend to loss myself when I read engulfed with the story, Heroes and Heroines, fairies and Dragons, Vampires and werewolves, gods and goddesses, Kings and Queens in faraway lands with castles and dungeons. i like to shelter myself from the harsh realities of life with the stories telling us that there are Happy Endings. if i could i would build my own library in my house keeping all my books safe and sound for my family to cherish them and hand them down to the future generations… its possible

Well After the Books time for Some Food. went to Union Square for the Farmers Market.

The Smell of Autumn all around being swallowed by the peaceful and healthy atmosphere of fresh produce just makes me smile.

The Vendors in the Market sell things from fresh Wheat to fresh hot assortments of breads and Pastries the smell of Pane Au Chocolat to Cheddar and Chive Bread Sticks all around. free trying of Jams and Honey with crackers. people selling Lavender stalks, Pumpkins in Different Sizes and shapes and different kinds of flowering and Herb Plants. i really love this place.

Being surrounded by all those things made us really hungry so off to some Lunchtime Madness.

Black Forest Ham with Brie w/ side of French Fries and Salad Greens

Steak and Egg w/ Slices of Bread

Love this day soo much Hope everyone enjoyed and found some useful info in this post

Will be Posting some more again Soon

Seasons of Life Autumn 2011

Autumn or Fall is one of the four temperate seasons. Autumn marks the transition from summer into winter

Autumn is one of my favorite seasons the Crisp sounds of dried leaves as I step on them, the Hue of Leaves from Brown to Fiery Red to Golden Yellow, and the Gentle chill in the air while walking around. This season holds  a lot of memories. opening the closet and starting to wear your sweaters I wish we also have this season in the Philippines.

An Awesome day with Leigh’s Uncle’s Family we cooked for them to thank them for their Hospitality.

Some Thinly Sliced BellPeppers and Zesty Lemon for the En Papillote

Very Home Made Yummy Banana Almond Muffins Perfectly Brown

Dory En Papillotes are all done Fresh off the Even Yummmmmmy.

Being surrounded by Nice people enjoying what we cooked makes all the blood and sweat that we poured in the food all worth it

Leigh’s Grandma is Really Nice really made me miss my Own Grandma Lily I miss her soo Much 😦

After eating a Lot We decided to go out and have some fun to burn it all out

Karen’s Having soo Much Fun Playing in the Leaves.

Enjoying themselves while I took the Pictures (O_O)

Finally I Have my own photo 😀

Had So Much Fun today I will always remember this day. I would really want to see this again.

“Spring passes and one remembers one’s innocence.
Summer passes and one remembers one’s exuberance.
Autumn passes and one remembers one’s reverence.
Winter passes and one remembers one’s perseverance.”
― Yoko Ono

Thank You For Reading 🙂

09-(24-29)-11 First Week and The City that Never Sleeps

Finally Starting my Adventure. its The First time that i’ll be away from my family for more than a few months and having to live away from your family because your school was a bit of a long way from your house was different coz i won’t be able t see them. as I Arrived in the US I was pretty scared that i might not be able to hold on and even last for a few months starting to feel down Trust me Homesickness + JetLag not good combination.

when i finally met the people that i’m going to live with for the next 12 months seeing familiar faces and some barely knowing each other i know its gonna be hard to live with a bunch of people but i know we’ll be able to make it through.

The First Week there was great still a bit jet lagged so the company gave us time to get used to the new environment.  Spent the whole time between Sleeping and Going to the Park and Spending a lot of time for fun coz i know its not gonna be all fun and games.

Yey, I’m Lucky that my family knows a lot of people luckily Ate Lady’s Boyfriend lives a bit close to where i live he invited to take me and some of my house mates out to the City. you know what that means NEW YORK!! This place is awesome i know i did some research on Times Square before coming here but the photos didn’t give this place justice all the colors the Lights the people the sounds you can’t imagine it by just looking at a picture.

~Rainy Rainy~

Karen and Leigh Enjoying themselves

I Went Nuts in NEw York Wanted to buy this sooo much

I Could Live Here Ughhhh M&Ms World

 what Happens when Spiderman Eats too Much!??? 

Looked for some place to eat but its kinda hard to find a place when its pouring outside forcing everyone indoors and its the weekends took much people around. so just settled to go to some places and take some pictures ate at Chinatown a Very Very Late Dinner. and after all the excitement dozed to sleep in the car , when I woke up the car was just stopping in front of the House. Such A Great Day I just can’t thank God enough for the Blessings. Thank you Kuya Van for taking is around!

Places I Went to: Times Square, Hop Kee Chinese Restaurant (Not Shown), Disney Shop, Toys R US, The Stairs, M&Ms World

Pictures (c) Aaron San Luis

Hope Everyone Enjoyed my POst! 🙂


Before I started my Internship in the US, My Family Planned on a 3 day Vacation in Cagayan De Oro on a whim for a well deserved Rest and Relaxation After my Graduation and Before I leave for my internship. well I can’t say that three days was enough to satiate my craving for some sunshine but I can’t complain it was really fun and a very great time with my loved ones I couldn’t ask for anything more.

After an two hours plane ride from Manila we finally arrive at our destination



My Big Sister, My Big Brother and My Mom no rest stops on our way to Camiguin Island two hours ferry ride from the Mainland.

After a Nauseating two hours on the Ferry finally arrived at the Island and for the first stop the Hots Spring even before checking in on the Hotel how unplanned can this trip be.

Great View of the Mt. Mambajao in the island.

At the Old Church Ruins 

Stunning Photos in the ruins, the Trees were so Big and Green the Moss covered walls survived years of unpredictable storms. this is what makes this place so beautiful the more calamity hits it the more years that pass by it just makes this place more Grand, loving the wonderful Climate, The Fresh Air, The smell of the Sea Breeze, the Songs of the  Birds and the Abundant Shades of Green all around. truly a spectacular place to be. a perfect rest spot.

ME, My Big Brother and Big Sister Enjoying ourselves Thank you Random Person Passing by for taking our Picture!

Stunning View. 🙂

My Family I’m Going to miss them soo Much.


A Great View of the Katibawasan Falls wanted to take a dip but after dipping my toes in the water and felt the sharp chill backed out.

FInally Arrived at the Resort Nonstop walking the whole day time for some Snooze and Yummy Food. getting ready for DAY2

Early Wake up call Starting our ride to the “White Island” Semi-Clear skies with Calm and Clear Waters Perfect day to go to the beach you need to rent a boat for the whole trip back and forth or else you’ll find a hard time going back to the mainland.

After a 30 min boat ride from the Resort We Arrive at the Sinking Beach the “White Island” its alarge Island in the middle of nowhere  Covered with Fine White sand, no trees or any distinguishing colors just the white sand and with sunny skies and clear blue water From a far it creates an illusion that everyone in the island is standing on water. pretty amazing. though you have to come quite early coz it tends to get really crowded after a while. and true to its name the white island actually sinks, after a few hours the Tide comes in and slowly covers the island with water giving the effect of sinking pushing everyone to either slowly gather in the middle of the island or stay on their rented boats. though it never actually sinks all the way its amazing how an Island able to accommodate a few Hundred of people after a few hours can barely  hold a few dozen.

A Common Delicacy Near on the Beach is the Fresh Sea Urchin Drizzled with Onion, Garlic and Chili Infused Vinegar even though my Mom, used to trying different kinds of food I wasn’t brave enough to try one. the guy selling them opens the shell BARE handedly with the help of a small knife and gives it to you Fresh to eat the meat. and after you’re finished they throw the shells back to the water, they said that it’s still alive and you’ll be able to catch it again ready to open and full of its meat again.

After a Few Hour on the Beach decided to head back to the Resort and take a dip on the Pool spending the remaining few hours in Camiguin, going back to the mainland of Cagayan de Oro for Day 3

After Arriving in the mainland again we spent the night out and about the town admiring the beautiful city then headed back to our hotel we were finally on the last day of our vacation so we ended it with a splash and possibly a lot of dirt and mud. decided to do one of the Most famous tourist attractions the White Water Rafting but due to heavy rains up on the mountain the water was kinda brown but that didn’t stop us instead it actually made the whole ride fun coz the current was much higher and faster. completely scared at first but after a few rapids adrenaline kicked in to over drive and we were having soo much fun that we lost track of time. went back to the hotel to wash up. Going Back to Manila. it might be short but its full of memories and i’ll keep them with me till i come back to the philippines after my internship;

Well Thanks Guys for Reading My Post I hope You enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing about it. look out for my next posts Going to start my days in US 🙂


Hi Everyone:

I Just Recently Finished my Internship in the US in New Jersey to be exact but its only a short ride to “THE CITY THAT NEVER SLEEPS” New York and it’s too bad that I didn’t start Blogging till after finishing my Stay there but Don’t Worry I’ll be Revisiting my Memory Card and I’ll be posting Some of the Memories that I was able to save in my computer and it may be sad to remember and miss that place but it may also help me remember what I went through for a year and help me towards looking for my Path. and maybe I could also Highlight some of the Great Places that I Visited While I was Staying there to help those who are planning to travel there and find some inspiration.

Times Square


Starting Something New

My Name Is AaronHello to you Whoever you are, if someone is Even reading this. I’m Still new at this Blogging Thing but I hope that I can get a hang of this. so bare with me for a while. I’m from the Philippines. I’m or I was a Culinary Student Just Graduated Yey! still looking for a Job but I know I’ll find one soon. but for the meanwhile I’ll be on Vacation and to spend my time wisely I’ll be doing this blog. I like to Read Books and Photos with my Trusty Camera Darn Good Photos if I say so Myself. Well That’s all I can Squeeze out of my brain for my first post But I’ll be posting soon 🙂 Thanks for Reading and Make sure to watch out for my next Post.

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