A Small town Guy with Big Dreams in a Big World

Posts tagged “America

10-28-2011 Snow Storm

Another hectic week come and gone its the last week of october, The temperature just dropped  just sitting in the house and watched some Movies and Read a book. perfect peaceful alone time. seriously not one of those NewYork Adventure friendly weather. so excited for Nov 1 thinking of trick or treating with my housemates I know we’re a bit too old for the Tradition but that’s not gonna stop us.

well the day was just starting but it was really dark I looked in the weather report checking if its going to rain. nope it only said cloudy then that’s when it happened, A tiny ball of white fluff came falling from the sky. SNOW! I was excited because it was my first time to actually see snow 😀 …. it stopped for a few minutes, disappointedly walked back to my room. good thing my bed was beside the window and it started to snow again but now the wind picked up stronger and stronger and the amount of white fluff falling down increased almost covering the whole window, SNOW STORM!. Scary 😐

I tried to open the window slowly, just a littlecrack dropped theroom’s temperature so fast. it was really cold couldn’t bare it so I slowly closed the window. we just stayed in the house for the whole day didn’t take the risk and turn into a popsicles  outside. the storm lasted till night and we slept .

 next morning it was considerably brighter than yesterday, the snow stopped and when I looked outside everything was white. sooo Beautiful O_O rushed outside with my housemates to play in the snow. weeee!!!!!

Jump Shot Opportunity

A Pure White Heart of Snow

Karen Now that’s a Smart thing to wear when its -4 outside

Never Ever let your Guard down when playing with snow

The Snow was really nice to play with it was like 3-4 inches of snow covered the lawn. sooooo Fun. making Snow Angels are harder than it looks and Tip for all of you never ever Try to taste snow or go out just wearing pajamas not a good idea. Later we found out that it was really rare to have snow storms on October.